Research on the Application of Functional Amino Acid Complex Nutrient Solution on Flue-cured Tobacco 功能型氨基酸复合营养液在烤烟上的应用研究
There are significantly correlations between total nitrogen and total sulfur contents in garlic plants ( leaves and stems), and the sulfur contents in the nutrient solution. 青蒜植株(叶片和假茎)中全氮和全硫含量随着营养液硫浓度的升高而增加,呈显著正相关;
Effects of Medium and Nutrient Solution on the Growth and Quality of Tobacco Seedling in Floating System 培养基质及营养液对漂浮烟苗生长与素质的影响
Effects of Nutrient Solution Formulations on The Cultivation of Lettuce by New Vertical Device 营养液配方对新型立体装置栽培生菜的影响
Effects of Different Density Nutrient Solution on Lettuce Growth 不同浓度营养液对油麦菜生长的影响
And also, it's important to select a right container for the nutrient solution. 此外,为营养液选择合适的容器也要。
Determination of Organic and Inorganic Germanium in Nutrient Solution 测定有机锗营养液中有机锗与无机锗含量的实验方法
The suitable nutrient solution formula was calculated according to the water quality in Beijing. 根据对主要大量元素的实际吸收情况,推算网纹甜瓜合适的营养液配方。
Effects of Different Concentrations of Nutrient Solution on Several Physiological Indexes of Talinum paniculatum 不同营养液浓度对土人参几个生理指标的影响
Why the cycling of nutrient solution is needed in large scale nutrient solution culture? 为什么大规模营养液栽培中要进行营养液的循环流动?
Effect of Different Kinds of Ferric Fertilizer in the Nutrient Solution of Hydroponic Culture on the Yield and Quality of Lettuce 不同形态铁肥对水培生菜生长和品质的影响
Control System of Circulation Nutrient Solution System in Soilless Culture 水耕栽培营养液循环控制系统的设计与控制性能分析
Effects of Different Nutrient Solution Concentration on Maize Seed Germination and Seedling Growth 不同浓度营养液对玉米种子萌发及幼苗生长影响的研究
The results showed that our method of DNA extraction and species identification from the sea cucumber nutrient solution was more efficient and rapid than traditional methods. 结论:本方法是一种新型的海参营养液DNA高效快速提取及种类鉴定的方法,可对海参深加工产品进行定性检测。
Effects of He-Ne Laser on the Conductivity of Nutrient Solution and Distilled Water 氦氖激光对营养液和蒸馏水电导率的影响
However, the nutrient solution is not circulated but used only once. 不过,营养液是循环使用的,只能用一次。
Study on the Deep Flow Cultivation with Nutrient Solution of Tomato in Experimental Greenhouse 试验温室番茄营养液深液流栽培与研究
Effect of Tianda 2116 Plant Nutrient Solution on Yield and Quality of Citrus Fruit 天达2116植物营养液对柑橘果实产量和质量的影响
Please outline the composition principles for ascertaining a nutrient solution formula. 请简要说明在确定营养液配方时的组成原则。
The effect of hypoxia stress on free, conjugate and bound polyamines levels were investigated in leaves of muskmelon seedlings in a nutrient solution culture system. 表明游离态、结合态和束缚态多胺与网纹甜瓜幼苗低氧抗性关系密切。
Application of Regression Analysis in Determination of Nutrient Solution Concentration of Foliage Plant 回归分析法确定观叶植物营养液浓度
Influence of Different Calcium Nutrient Solution on Fruit Development of Processing Tomato and Its Quality 不同钙营养液对加工番茄果实发育和加工品质的影响
A Model for Management of Nitrogen Concentration in the Nutrient Solution for Soilless Cultivated Cucumber in Greenhouse 温室黄瓜无土栽培营养液氮素管理模型的研究
He applied phosphate fertilizer in nutrient solution at two levels and at three stages of development. 他在营养液中分两个用量三个发育阶段施入磷肥。
Application of Continuous Quality Improving in Intra-intestinal Secure Injection of Nutrient Solution through Liquid Bag Jejunum Tube 持续质量改进在液囊空肠导管安全输注肠内营养液中的应用
Physical and Chemic Characteristic of Solid Organic Medium and Interaction with Nutrient Solution; The genotype-environment interaction for cane yield is greater than that for brix in the cane. 固形有机基质的理化特性及其与营养液相互作用产量的基因型与环境互作比田间锤度的大。
Effect of NAA, IBA and Nutrient Solution on Water Culture Ivy NAA、IBA处理及不同营养液配方对水培常春藤的影响
The MDA, proline and total soluble sugar content in cucumber seedling leaves grown in the nutrient solution containing different lead concentrations were studied. 以黄瓜幼苗为材料,进行不同浓度的铅处理,研究其叶片丙二醛、脯氨酸和可溶性总糖含量的变化情况。
How to manage the nutrient solution scientifically and standardized while planting tomato by means of deep flow technique or sand culture? 采用深液流或沙培进行番茄生产时,如何对营养液进行科学和规范化管理?
The results show that the shoot dry weight and yield are positively and significantly correlated with the nutrient solution concentrations. 结果表明:地上部干重和产量与营养液浓度成显著正相关关系;